Thursday, February 14, 2008

:: overwhelmed ::

Just got a silly phone reminder saying i have an assignment due tmr which just btw, i'm only a quarter way through. *cries*

Too much work, too little time.

It's not that i don't enjoy it, it's just that there's not enough of me to go around. In work, in family, in church, in friends...even 5 Ellie's wouldn't be sufficient, me thinks.

Guess this is what it feels like to be a young working adult eh?

Guess this is what it feels like to be alone on Valentine's too. *laughs* The first year in 4 years that i'm not sending someone off in the airport.

I *almost* feel sorry for myself but i'm pretty sure God's got THE one for me somewhere out there. I thank Him at the very least for making me idealistic. Since i've never had a boyfriend before, i'm glad i can do things RIGHT (should i plan to). I'm glad i can do it the Acts-way (should i want to). I'm glad that when the time comes, my future boyfriend will be my future husband. It'll be so cool to hit the jackpot right away, yes yes? :D

One day soon :)

Lord, Your strength for the next 6 days in GE. May i leave with a job offer that i can glorify Your name with. (and THEN, gloat about) Amen.

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